Friday, November 25, 2011

Whoever receives this little child in My name receives Me

I started a new Bible study recently. Okay not really, but I've been reading this blog. :) It just reads like a Bible study with subjects from real life. First off, this blog started after a mom had a baby with Down Syndrome. I read through her words and remembered my own grief when I heard the term "special needs" applied to my own baby. I remember my heart breaking when I walked by handicapped parking spots. (Now I hunt them out with glee as I park up front.) Then as I kept reading her words the grieving ends and the joy begins. (As is typical. :)) Then eventually this family decides to adopt another child with the same diagnosis! It's like I'm reading my own story.

Only not.
Because I pale in comparison to this mom. Reading her blog made me hurt for a closer relationship with God like this family has. To quote their blog:
When God opened our eyes…
…to the fact that children with special needs just like our Verity who are born in Eastern Europe are sent to understaffed and underfunded orphanages until at some point during their childhood they are transferred to adult mental institutions–places an average American wouldn’t put a dog–where 80% of the children who are transferred die within the first year…unless they have Down syndrome, then the percentage jumps to 95%…
…and then opened the door of adoption before us…
…and then opened our hearts to wholeheartedly loving this child who needs a family so much…
…we could have exercised our choice, closed our eyes, closed the door, closed our hearts, and replied, “No way!”
We wouldn’t have been saying “No” to just another option from our range of options.
We would have been saying “No” to the calling of our Master. (

She shares my desire to save a child from "being tossed like refuse into a third-world mental institution." And they eventually do. But I feel like I have a long way to go on a personal level before our second child comes home. And I'm making steps towards that personal relationship with God, even though I already feel like I speak too much Christianese. Not helping adorable blog! :)

First off I need to stop worrying. I worry about money. Blog doesn't worry about money. Blog is near poverty level and doesn't worry about money. God provides. Now I need to believe that, only really.

I need to wait on God's timing. I'm really impatient. Sometimes blog seems impatient and I inwardly smile. :) I want this child in my arms now now now! My husband (bless him) made me wait. He had to be sure. He had to make sure he could provide. Bla bla bla. Man logic. Go figure. :) But I don't wait well.

I need to use my time wisely. I waste time. I am lazy. No more! (I did well today. :))

And lastly I need to trust and listen and be open.

Jesus even says, "Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me." So if I'm planning on welcoming a child into my life, I need to treat him well! And that means giving my all.

1 comment:

  1. It's so beautiful to me to hear your heart in this. It's so encouraging because I worry about money, and I am impatient, and I waste time, and I am lazy too. But your honesty reminds me that in the midst of me being far too selfish and afraid, God is what really matters. His goodness, his strength, his power and authority. And I must work, but I can also rest (even though that is hard too). I guess I just want to say thank you for sharing this.
